Lowering bills, cutting carbon


The latest news from the energy industry.

Advice for customers of Bulb

Yesterday, Bulb Energy announced they have been placed into a Special Administration Regime. If you are a customer of Bulb…


Moving home? Everything your energy supplier tells you may not be as it seems.

The way some energy suppliers are communicating with home movers may be encouraging them to pay more – a lot…

Ethical Perks – an introduction to Social Supermarket

At Big Clean Switch we are always on the look out for new suppliers and service that have a similar…

Advice for customers of GOTO Energy

Ofgem has announced that Shell Energy will be taking over GOTO Energy’s customers, after they ceased trading. Advice for GOTO…

GOTO Energy has ceased trading: What you need to know

We’re very sorry to say that one of our panel suppliers, GOTO Energy, has today announced they are ceasing to…

Sky high gas costs are driving the current energy crisis

Energy crisis: What now?

The energy market is currently going through a period of significant stress, so right now is not actually the best…

businesses to demand urgent climate action

Why we’re joining other businesses to demand urgent climate action

August saw UN climate change experts release their latest report on the threat posed by climate change, and it made…

A Guide to energy suppliers going bust

With more than 19 energy providers going bust since the beginning of September, we know there is a lot of…

Sky high gas costs are driving the current energy crisis

Energy crisis: What you need to know

The last 12 months have been unlike anything we’ve seen before. After energy prices fell sharply early in the first…

People’s Energy and Utility Point cease trading

Yesterday it was announced that two energy suppliers, People’s Energy and Utility Point are ceasing to trade. People’s Energy supplies…