in partnership with Groundwork London

Power to do good
Together, let's say good-bye to dirty, polluting fossil fuels and create a cleaner, greener future. Find out more or fill in the form for a quote right away.

By clicking on the button above, you agree to Big Clean Switch's terms and conditions and to us getting in touch using the details you provide in order to help you switch to clean energy. For more info, see our privacy policy.

Why clean energy?

Generating electricity by burning fossil fuels like coal and gas is polluting our air and contributing to climate change. Yet incredibly, switching to clean electricity generated from renewable sources like the sun and the wind will actually save most of us money. So, every time you switch on a light or the TV, you’ll know you’re helping to make the UK a cleaner, healthier place.

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About Groundwork

Groundwork is London’s foremost environmental and social regeneration charity. They work with communities across London supporting them to create better places, to live and work in a greener, more sustainable way and to improve their economic prospects. They have 20 years’ experience of using the environment as a catalyst for building a more sustainable future, and last year alone they delivered over 600 projects across London.

More power from your switch

Whenever you change supplier through a website like Big Clean Switch, your new energy company pays the website a commission (around £60). This doesn’t affect the price of the tariffs we offer, which are the same price as they are on suppliers’ own websites, and we use the income to help fund the campaign. We share a third of the commission with Groundwork to help them fund more projects that improve Londoners’ quality of life, their prospects, potential and the places where they live, work and play.

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From drab to fab

One of the projects that your switch will support is the transformation of a run-down playground on the Marquess Estate, Islington. Local families are desperate for a safe, attractive and stimulating space for their children to play. We have developed an exciting design and can’t wait to make it happen with your help!

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What is a clean tariff?

Most of us get electricity from the National Grid. Picture the Grid like a bucket, full of clean and dirty water.* When you’re on a renewable tariff, your supplier promises to match the amount you take out of the bucket by putting the same amount of clean water in. The more clean water that goes into the bucket (and the less dirty water), the cleaner the bucket, and therefore the Grid, gets.
* In real life, of course, water and electricity should not mix!

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Our energy suppliers

The first major British supplier to be co-operatively owned, Co-op Energy give a share of their profits back to members and local communities.

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The world’s first green energy company. Offering 100% renewable electricity from the wind and sun and carbon neutralised gas.

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Clean electricity from one of the UK's largest investors in solar power, with a commitment to 'simpler pricing and bills that actually make sense'.

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Ranked top 5 for customer service by Citizens Advice, one of only three suppliers recommended by Which? in 2020 and a five star rating on Trustpilot.

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