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What is renewable electricity?

When we talk about ‘renewable electricity’, we mean power generated from the sun, wind, water (rivers, tides or wave power) and biofuels (such as gas released by rotting food and plants). Unlike electricity generated by burning fossil fuels (oil, coal and gas), renewable electricity has little impact in terms of climate change and air pollution.

How do renewable electricity tariffs work?

When you’re on a renewable electricity tariff, your supplier promises to match the amount of electricity you take out of the National Grid by ensuring the same amount of renewable electricity is put in. The more this happens, the greener the Grid should get.

How Big Clean Switch is funded

We run our business as ethically as possible, and that includes being transparent about how we’re funded. Whenever anyone switches to renewable electricity through the Big Clean Switch, the supplier pays a commission. This doesn’t affect the price of the tariffs offered by Big Clean Switch, which are the same or better than you’d find on the suppliers’ websites.

Our energy suppliers

The first major British supplier to be co-operatively owned, Co-op Energy give a share of their profits back to members and local communities.

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The world’s first green energy company. Offering 100% renewable electricity from the wind and sun and carbon neutralised gas.

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Clean electricity from one of the UK's largest investors in solar power, with a commitment to 'simpler pricing and bills that actually make sense'.

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Ranked top 5 for customer service by Citizens Advice, one of only three suppliers recommended by Which? in 2020 and a five star rating on Trustpilot.

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